Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Nervous Tic Motion of the Head to the Left

I have been informed, kindly, that my attempt to be a good little bloggerblagger has already come up under review. The verdict is not looking promising, so I am making a step to show my good intentions and mend my ways.

It's been a busy last four days. I did the grand tour of Western Nebraska making sure to hit things like Carhenge,

Where Dinosaurs Journey for the Summer Solstice.
Chimney Rock (which I HAD to see after playing the Oregon Trail),

Puine du Cerf /Elk Penis: Chimney Rock's original name.

and Nebraska's National Forest (I kid you not.).

If you think that's sand, you're right.

On Saturday Vas gave me a ring to let me know that my visa came in, which means I can enter Cameroon legally. On Sunday I had my "GOING AWAY MOSTLY FOREVER" party, where I cooked Indian food, we potlucked, and Sara and I had infused vodka with cardammom, cinnamon, black pepper, bay leaves, anise, cloves and ginger to make a delicious new cocktail coined the "Chai Tea Spritzer," and Mr. Paul honored our Indian food agreement and did mime. It was awesome, I videotaped it in order to relive it when I get Nebraska-sick.

No I won't share it, it's mine. Take that interweb.

It's important to me to live hard for the last couple weeks I'm in Nebraska, because I don't know when I'm going to come back. I have been assured, multiple times, that I will be back. I guess you don't ever escape Nebraska. In order to aid my inability to escape Nebraska I am leaving my things with people I love, because if they're holding onto something that I own I have to come back....right?

I think that my intentions and rules for this blag are as follows.
1. No one talks about the blag not being updated.
2. No one talks about the blag not being updated.
3. I want to be a good resource for the next people who head off on a Fulbright ETA-ship because Kate's totally rad blog was extraordinarily helpful to me both during the waiting process and  afterward.
4. I want to share this experience with people who I love (and the ones who I put up with. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.).
5. I want to try to follow Vas's Buddhist tenets of making sure the things that I say are true, necessary and kind.
6. Good spelling and grammar? Not necessary at all.

Fabulous, I'm glad we've had this talk.

kisses and misses.


  1. Yay! You should also tell people that they must comment on the blag. Gotta show a little love. Looking forward to finding out what bright young things like yourself are up to...in a totally uncreepy way. It's a giant continent but if you ever get the urge to come down to South Africa you've got a couch waiting for you. xx

  2. Keep a-writin'. I'll be a-readin'!
    love, jordan [milliken]
